
Friday, January 18, 2013

New Artwork, Gardening System

 The above is a re-style of Alix Smith. I'm debating whether I should change styles... yet again. I just can't ever seem to be happy with the faces. It bugs me every time I see them so I think I might slowly change over. Just use placeholders for longer than I had planned. It's a hard choice. I like the new one a lot better than t he old. It makes him look older, not so childish and it looks better, overall, I think. Maybe I'll do a couple more and see how that goes.

The other thing I worked on today was my gardening system. This was also a re-do. I had a system already in place... it just wasn't jamming for me. I used way too many switches and variables. Now that I've gotten better at eventing I saw how crude and clunky the thing was. So I re-did the entire thing. Added in more features, more graphics to make it easier to tell when something was watered or not, etc. I also cut down the switches to one per square. Same with the variables. This was down a TON from before. It's overall much better. I'm quite happy with it, even if it means I have a lot more tedious copy-pasting ahead of me. I think it's worth it for a more rounded system that will also be easier to keep track of now that it doesn't use so many switches and variables. Simplicity is best :D.

Overall I'm quite happy with the progress I made today. Weekend starts tomorrow so see you peoples Monday!


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