Then I got one more square of gardening(aka: eventing) done. Gardening is becoming a huge pain in the backside. It just takes so long to get each square done. It's quite tedious as well which makes me want to put it off. I'm making myself do at least one square a day though to make sure I get it done!
(click to make larger)
Here are some of the icons I made. I have two versions of each. A 24x24 and a 50x50. I made two icons today. I'm slowly making my way through a long list of food items that need icons. Then I have to do ingredients, clothes, tools, foraging, system, and probably a few other things that I've just forgotten for the moment. I put the icons as 32x32 on a charsheet as well. That just makes it easier if I ever want an item to show up in a cutscene or make it so the player can find it on the ground or in someone's house, etc.
The last thing I worked on today was more NPC personalities figure-outing. Does that even make sense? Eh, whatever. My brain is kinda fried right now.
Tomorrow I continue the search for a good HUD, more gardening squares, and yes, more icons!
Music I Listened to While Working Today: